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Pre-processing of TLS or MLS point clouds for deriving size-distance-dependent competition indizes

For extracting information on tree level from close-range laser scanning (TLS or MLS), you can use e.g. the TreeLS package. We will show a workflow on how to implement the output of TreeLS to derive inventory based competition indices within TreeCompR.

First, load the .las data, normalize the height, sample the point cloud, estimate tree occurrence regions, classify stem points and estimate the diameter and height of each individual tree.

    file <- "path/to/file"
    tls <- readTLS(file)
    tls_norm <- tlsNormalize(tls, keep_ground = F)
    thin <- tlsSample(tls_norm, smp.voxelize(0.01))
    map <- treeMap(thin, map.hough(min_density = 0.1), 0)
    tls_t <- treePoints(tls_norm, map, trp.crop())
    tls_stem <- stemPoints(tls_t, stm.hough())
    inv <- tlsInventory(tls_stem, d_method=shapeFit(shape='circle', 
                                                    algorithm = 'ransac'))
    inv$dbh <- (inv$Radius * 2) %>% select(TreeID, X, Y, H, dbh)
#>    TreeID         X          Y        H        dbh
#> 1:      1 11.709633  3.0399174 24.72817 1.06845322
#> 2:      2 11.953612  2.3900734 24.98053 0.32118377
#> 3:      3  7.429792 -4.9559437 23.75091 0.18467989
#> 4:      4  7.150391  5.7965706 24.05617 0.94364591
#> 5:      5  7.088778  0.8337127 24.07538 0.16088486
#> 6:      6  7.184398  5.2539175 23.94043 0.07801985 


Use extracted tree information within TreeCompR

To ensure that the inventory data is assigned correctly, check the data and make sure that you specify the units dbh and height if they differ from the default, which is cm for dbh and m for height. Use read_inv() to validate your inventory data within TreeCompR. To visually check for which trees the CIs will be quantified depending on the chosen search radius, you can use define_target() and plot_target(). We recommend to use target_source = "buff_edge" to automatically calculate the CI for all trees in the plot except for those that are less than one search radius away from the forest edge. This is specifically important for TLS/MLS data, since these data types usually only cover small forest plots rather than whole forests. In our example, with a search radius of 10 m, only one tree is assigned as a target tree.

#validate the inventory dataset "inv"
inventory <- read_inv(inv_source = inv, dbh_unit = "m", height_unit = "m")
#define the target tree(s) depending on the search radius
targets <- define_target(inv = inventory, target_source = "buff_edge", 
                         radius = 10)
#> 'target_inv' class inventory dataset with defined target trees: 
#> collection of 31 observations 
#> Source of target trees: buffer around edge 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------
#>     id      x      y   dbh height target
#> 1    1 12.039  3.393  0.89 24.728  FALSE
#> 2    2 11.931  2.376 0.261 24.981  FALSE
#> 3    3  7.424 -4.956  0.19 23.751  FALSE
#>    ...    ...    ...   ...    ...    ...
#> 29  35 -6.407 -4.719  0.06 19.791  FALSE
#> 30  36 -7.484 -7.635 0.216 22.478  FALSE
#> 31  38 -5.287  1.051  0.06 22.923  FALSE
# plot the target tree(s)


#example for calculating all possible CIs based on the parameters height and dbh
#with a search radius of 7m
compete_inv(inventory, target_source = "buff_edge", radius = 7, 
              method = "all_methods")
#> The following columns were used to create the inventory dataset:
#> id   --- TreeID
#> x    --- X
#> y    --- Y
#> dbh  --- dbh
#> height   --- H
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#> 'compete_inv' class inventory with distance-based competition indices 
#> Collection of data for 1 target and 30 edge trees. 
#> Source of target trees: buffer around edge    Search radius: 7 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#>    id ...  dbh height CI_Hegyi CI_Braathe CI_RK1 CI_RK2 CI_RK3 CI_RK4
#> 18 20 ... 0.25   23.9     1.96       2.07   0.49  0.499    4.1   13.2

Use cases

## If you focus on a specific CI, e.g. the widely used Hegyi-Index, 
## you can choose it within methods = "CI_Hegyi".
compete_inv(inventory, target_source = "buff_edge", radius = 7, 
             method = "CI_Hegyi")
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> 'compete_inv' class distance-based competition index dataset
#> No. of target trees: 1       Source inventory size: 24 trees
#> Target source: 'buff_edge' (7 m)          Search radius: 7 m
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#>    id     x      y    dbh height CI_Hegyi
#> 1: 20 0.105 -0.492 24.961 23.871    1.986

## If you have a tree height column that is not automatically recognized within 
## our validation of input data, you can set it manually:
## in read_inv():
inventory <- read_inv(inv_source = inventory, height = "h_column_name")
#> The following columns were used to create the inventory dataset:
#> id   --- TreeID
#> x    --- X
#> y    --- Y
#> dbh  --- dbh
#> height   --- h_column_name

## or directly in compete_inv():
compete_inv(inventory2, target_source = "buff_edge", radius = 7, 
              height = "h_column_name", method = "CI_Hegyi")
#> The following columns were used to create the inventory dataset:
#> id   --- TreeID
#> x    --- X
#> y    --- Y
#> dbh  --- dbh
#> height   --- h_column_name
#> 7 trees outside the competitive zone around the target trees were removed. 
#> 24 trees remain.
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> 'compete_inv' class distance-based competition index dataset
#> No. of target trees: 1       Source inventory size: 24 trees
#> Target source: 'buff_edge' (7 m)          Search radius: 7 m
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#>    id     x      y  dbh height CI_Hegyi
#> 1: 20 0.105 -0.492 0.25 23.871    1.986

## If your dbh is specified in cm, just change the dbh_unit to "cm"
compete_inv(inventory3, target_source = "buff_edge", radius = 7, 
              dbh_unit = "cm", method = "CI_Hegyi")

#> 7 trees outside the competitive zone around the target trees were removed. 
#> 24 trees remain.
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#> 'compete_inv' class distance-based competition index dataset
#> No. of target trees: 1       Source inventory size: 24 trees
#> Target source: 'buff_edge' (7 m)          Search radius: 7 m
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
#>    id     x      y    dbh height CI_Hegyi
#> 1: 20 0.105 -0.492 24.961 23.871    1.986

## If you want to keep a column with certain user defined IDs for the trees, 
## and it is not recognized, specify it with id = "name_column"
inventory <- read_inv(inv_source = inv4, id = "Tree_ID_User")
#> The following columns were used to create the inventory dataset:
#> id   --- Tree_ID_User
#> x    --- X
#> y    --- Y
#> dbh  --- dbh
#> height   --- H

If you use other options to derive the tree parameters from TLS or MLS data, you can customize read_inv() and compete_inv() accordingly. For more examples, have a look at some more examples.