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plot_target() can be used with a target_inv dataset or the output of the compete_inv function to inspect the spatial positions of the target trees.


plot_target(inv, radius = NULL)



object of class compete_inv or target_inv.


numeric of length 1, Search radius (in m) around target tree wherein all neighboring trees are classified as competitors. Only needed for target_inv objects in methods that are not radius dependent (i.e., in cases where target_source defined by a character or logical vector or in cases where target_source = "all_trees").


A plot of the spatial arrangement of target trees.


The function creates a plot of the trees in the forest inventory dataset where the target trees and the surrounding search radii are highlighted. If they were created with target_source = "buff_edge" or target_source = "exclude_edge", the estimated plot margin (and, in case of "buff_edge", also the buffer to the margin) are added as a polygon.

This function is meant as a visual inspection tool for checking the validity of the choice of target trees.

See also

read_inv() to read forest inventory data, define_target() for designating target trees, compete_inv() for computing tree competition from inventory data, competition_indices for a list of available indices. For visualized examples, see competition inventory


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# read inventory dataset
inv <- read_inv("data/inventory.csv")

# lot neighborhood for 'target_inv' object
target <- target_inv(
  inv, target_source = c("Tree 1", "Tree 2", "Tree 7"))
plot_target(target, radius = 10)

# plot neighborhood for 'compete_inv' object
comp <- compete_inv(inv, "buff_edge", radius = 10)
} # }